.dogescript game of life
03 Apr 2014A dogescript version of Conway's Game of Life. Based on Mfoo's work. It is pretty basic but fun to write in doge.
This is the dogescript which made it, or look dogescript life.
Iteration: 0
Click a cell on the map to manually toggle it.
.Some Code
# Conway's Game of Life implementation in DogeScript.
# Author: Erik Erwitt (e3) <erike@cpan.org>
# Original Author: Martin Foot <https://github.com/mfoo/CoffeeScript-Game-Of-Life>
# License: Do what you want.
very canvas is $('#conway')[0]
very iterationCount is 0
shh Specify the width and height of the square used to draw the entities.
very entitySize is 10
very entitiesX is plz Math.ceil with canvas.width/entitySize
very entitiesY is plz Math.ceil with canvas.height/entitySize
shh The number of entities in our board.
very numEntities is entitiesX * entitiesY
shh Store for the JavaScript setInterval timerID for the 'play' functionality.
very timerID is 0
shh A single dimensional array to store all the entities. Default value random.
shh Note: uses row-major ordering
very entities is new Array with numEntities
very newEntities is new Array with numEntities
shh This contains the coordinates to access the 8 surrounding neighbours by means
shh of an offset in a one-dimensional array.
very grid is [-1+-1*entitiesX,-1*entitiesX,1+-1*entitiesX,-1,1,-1+entitiesX,entitiesX,1+entitiesX]
shh Initialise the board to random entries (50% chance of being alive or dead).
such initialize
much very i as 0 next i smaller numEntities next i more 1
very rand is Math dose random
entities[i] is Math dose floor with rand+0.5
newEntities[i] is entities[i];
iterationCount is 0;
shh Render the board
such render
very canvasExist is canvas.getContext
rly canvasExist
very ctx is canvas dose getContext with '2d'
ctx.fillStyle is "white";
plz ctx.fillRect with 0 0 canvas.width canvas.height
ctx.fillStyle is "orange";
much very i as 0 next i smaller numEntities next i more 1
very x is i%entitiesX
very y is plz Math.floor with i/entitiesX
rly entities[i] is 1
plz ctx.fillRect with entitySize*x entitySize*y entitySize entitySize
plz $("#iterationNumber").text with iterationCount
# A single iteration of Conway's Game of Life. Do not modify the current board
# (entities). Any changes go into the buffer (newEntities), which is then
# swapped at the end of the function.
such step
much very i as 0 next i smaller numEntities-1 next i more 1
shh Get the number of live neighbours from the previous turn.
very liveNeighbours is 0
much very j as 0 next j smaller grid.length next j more 1
very tile is i+grid[j]
very x is tile%entitiesX
very y is plz Math.floor with tile/entitiesX
shh Wrap around the edge of the board.
rly x smaller 0
x is entitiesX+x;
rly y smaller 0
y is entitiesY+y;
rly x biggerish entitiesX
x is entitiesX-x;
rly y biggerish entitiesY
y is entitiesY-y;
rly entities[y*entitiesX+x] is 1
newEntities[i] is entities[i];
shh Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused
shh by under-population.
rly liveNeighbours smaller 2 and entities[i] is 1
newEntities[i] is 0;
shh Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next
shh generation.
rly liveNeighbours is 2 or liveNeighbours is 3
rly entities[i] is 1
newEntities[i] is 1;
shh Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by
shh overcrowding.
rly liveNeighbours bigger 3 and entities[i] is 1
newEntities[i] is 0;
shh Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell,
shh as if by reproduction.
rly liveNeighbours is 3 and entities[i] is 0
newEntities[i] is 1;
shh Swap buffers
very tmp is entities
entities is newEntities;
newEntities is tmp;
such tick
plz step
plz render
shh Allow somebody to click the mouse and toggle the status of a cell on the
shh board.
such toggleEntity much event
row is Math.floor((event.pageX-$("#conway").offset().left)/entitySize);
column is Math.floor((event.pageY-$("#conway").offset().top)/entitySize);
entities[entitiesX*column+row] is 1-entities[entitiesX*column+row];
plz render
plz initialize
plz render
such playClick
timerID is plz setInterval with tick 60
such pauseClick
plz clearInterval with timerID
such conwayClick
plz toggleEntity with event
such randomEyes
plz pauseClick
plz initialize
plz render
plz $('#play').click with playClick
plz $("#pause").click with pauseClick
plz $("#stepper").click with tick
plz $("#conway").click with conwayClick
plz $("#randomise").click with randomEyes